About HomeHealth101.com

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Kathy Quan RN BSN PHN is the CEO/Editor-in-Chief of HomeHealth101.com and HouseCallsOnline.com in addition to several other websites and blogs. Kathy started HomeHealth101.com in the late 1990's because there was a lack of education and information available to home health professionals. Her goal is to help simply the process and demystify home health care.

Kathy is an award-winning blogger and author of 7 books for health professionals and consumers. (See

Kathy has been a nurse for over 40 years specializing in home health care and hospice. She currently works part time as a Quality & Compliance specialist for a growing hospice agency in So. CA. 

Her book, 
Exploring the Home Health Care Experience: A Guide to Transitioning Your Career, is designed to help nurses and healthcare professionals make that switch to home healthcare. It’s available on Amazon.com. Paperback $9.99 and Kindle $5.99.

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